dimarts, 12 de juny del 2012

Rescat = Bailout

La paraula de la setmana és “rescat”. En anglès, “bailout”. Repassem els significats d’aquesta paraula.

Bailout és un substantiu compost, que ve del phrasal verb “to bail out”. Té diversos significats; pagar la fiança de algú (fiança = bail), o saltar d’un avió en situació d’emergència, o intentar treure l’aigua d’un barco que s’està enfonsant. I, com ja s’ha vist, deixar uns diners a algú per ajudar-li a sortir de problemes econòmics.

6 comentaris:

  1. Thanks! An interesting post, and a wonderful artist ...
    by the way, this post was about the term bailout used for when country is helped out of economic dire straits. The Catalans call it a "rescat" , literally meaning "rescue" - a much more pragmatic, but dull, language! Sshh, shouldn't have said that ....!

  2. Hi there Brian I just jumped in here so this is the post I will respond to. Thanks for visiting me at the Catalan Way. Always interesting to see someone else who is here and speaks Catalan. There are so many words around now that are new to me and rescat is one. Pragmatic and dull? Mmmm I need more time to decide but I agree that the longer I am here the more I appreciate the humour and the creativity of English. To see it from the outside is very interesting. All the best and I will be back to read more Kate

  3. PS thank you for not having word id! I hate it and can't understand why people continue when BLogger seems to have a good spam filter. Much appreciated.

  4. Hi, and thanks for the visit and comments :)
    This is the blog I SHOULD be updating as it's the one my wife and myself set up with the idea of gaining a bit of business, but as you can see, it's a bit under-used at the moment! I update my other one more often, which is more for my entertainment, local news and personal rants! But even that one is suffering at the moment from a lack of time ...
    Oops, pragmatic and dull .. I was right, I probably shouldn't have said that ;) Serves me right for writing at all hours of the night. Seriously, I love the Catalan language and reading and speaking it, but I do think the English one has more "strange" (or interesting) combinations of words - probably due to the fact that it's in a state of constant change and no one really regulates it, as opposed to most other languages which have an official body to regulate what goes and what doesn't!
    I'll try and keep an eye on your blog too now I've found it,
