dimarts, 13 de desembre del 2011
Conta-contes en anglès, dia 14 de desembre
dimecres, 26 d’octubre del 2011
Conta-contes en anglès aquest dijous
divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2011
Gerard Vergés, poeta d’honor a Sant Cugat del Vallès
dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2011
VI Jornades de les Lletres Ebrenques a Amposta

La ruta del llibre Arran de l'Ebre

Aquest divendres dia 21 d'octubre, en el marc de l'aniversari de la revista digital Surtdecasa, s'organitza la segona ruta pels escenaris del llibre, Arran de l'Ebre. El periodista Oriol Gracià i l'autora, Cinta Arasa, presentaran la ruta i després, els i les que els hi vulgueu acompanyar, recorreran els escenaris de Tortosa que apreixen al llibre i recordarem els passatges en què són citats. Hi esteu totes i tots convidats!
Inici: 19.30 a Llibreria La 2 de Viladrich
Carrer Despuig, 22
diumenge, 18 de setembre del 2011
dijous, 15 de setembre del 2011
Sopar Estellés, dia 17
diumenge, 17 de juliol del 2011
dimecres, 13 de juliol del 2011
Sílvia al programa Tens Un Racó Dalt Del Món
diumenge, 10 de juliol del 2011
Frog or Toad?
dijous, 9 de juny del 2011
divendres, 3 de juny del 2011
Llegint contes per a "adults" a Tortosa

dimarts, 26 d’abril del 2011
L'art de contar contes
dissabte, 23 d’abril del 2011
Saint George/Jordi, and the art of giving books and roses

Today is the 23rd of April - a very special day in Catalonia. The Catalans’ Patron Saint happens to be Saint Jordi (or George in English). Yes, the guy who killed the dragon. Jordi was a Roman soldier born in Palestine in the 3rd century AD who later converted to Christianity. Although the first documented writings of the dragon incident state that it happened in Libya, the Catalans believe it actually happened in the town of Montblanc in Catalonia. They may have a point as I can vouch that there are definitely no dragons currently living in Montblanc.
Jordi finished the dragon off with his lance, and from the wound the dragon’s blood spilled out and amazingly turned into a beautiful red rose.
Nowadays in dragon-free Catalonia, it is customary to walk the streets on this day with your family looking at the many open-air book stalls set out, as the Catalans celebrate this day by giving books and roses to their lovers/partners. Tradition dictates books for men and roses for women, though many men give both a book and a rose to their “better half”. It is an extremely beautiful, cultural and peaceful celebration. There are many public poetry recitals and book-readings today too alongside other literary events. Many countries have also tried copying this idea of a “book giving day”, and in 1995 UNESCO declared 23rd April to be World Book Day (even though, for reasons better known to themselves, the UK celebrates its “World” Book Day in March!).
This day has many literary connections. Cervantes was born, and died, on the 23rd April, and Shakespeare also died on this date – but as the English and Spanish used different calendars back then, these “23rd”s were not exactly the same day, if that makes sense!
Click here for more info regarding this celebration.
divendres, 22 d’abril del 2011
Time for a story
El llenguatge que hi trobem és el que cal assolir amb els més petits que comencen a aprendre la llengua anglesa. Els personatges i els arguments resulten especialment atractius per als nens d’aquestes edats: una sardina enamorada, un porquet fent amics, un ninot de neu a la recerca d’un nas com cal... Sempre hi ha un toc de misteri (què ens trobarem al tombar el full?) i un rerafons que ens permetrà reflexionar i aprendre a ser millors persones.
Cada llibre inclou un CD amb el conte per escoltar i una cançó relacionada per a cantar i ballar. Així que, ja sabeu, a buscar (i a trobar!!) “una estona per a un conte”.
Col.lecció: Time For A Story
Autores: Anna Panisello i Estrella Ramon
Il.lustradors: Marta Costa, Óscar Julve, Lluís Farré, Africa
Fanló, Maria José Aoíz i thePAPERkids.com
Edita: Combel
dimecres, 30 de març del 2011
Dijous - contes de petits i de grans ...

dimecres, 2 de març del 2011
Bookcrossing a Tortosa, dia 5 de març

L'autor ebrenc Jesús M. Tibau ha organitzat la 2a jornada de Bookcrossing Massiu a Tortosa, que tindrà lloc el proper 5 de març, durant la qual alliberarà un centenar de llibres, amb la col·laboració de diverses editorials i de la Biblioteca Marcel·lí Domingo.
També ens proposa que aprofitem el mateix dia per a alliberar aquells llibres que ja només pleguen pols a casa i, així, donar-los una segona vida. Com més serem ...
Per més detalls, mirem al seu bloc.
dimarts, 1 de març del 2011
Saint David's Day
divendres, 25 de febrer del 2011
Language learning is good for you

The study involved 230 men and women with an average age of 73 who had spoken or currently spoke two to seven languages. Of the participants, 44 reported cognitive problems; the rest of the group had no memory issues.
Researchers discovered that those people who spoke four or more languages were five times less likely to develop cognitive problems compared to those people who only spoke two languages.
People who spoke three languages were three times less likely to have cognitive problems compared to bilinguals. In addition, people who currently spoke more than two languages were also four times less likely to have cognitive impairment. The results accounted for the age and the education of the participants.
"Further studies are needed to try to confirm these findings and determine whether the protection is limited to thinking skills related to language or if it also extends beyond that and benefits other areas of cognition," said Perquin.
The research was conducted in Luxembourg, where there is a dense population of people who speak more than two languages.
The MemoVie study was supported by The National Research Fund (FNR) from Luxembourg.
dilluns, 14 de febrer del 2011
Presentació del nou llibre de Matthew Tree a Tortosa

A càrrec de Jesús M. Tibau
La 2 de Viladrich
18 de febrer de 2011, 19.30 h.
divendres, 11 de febrer del 2011
Xiuxiuejava, She whispered
Yet translation by itself solves little. The work of translation is to act out everything and explain nothing. As your skin is not an explanation of who you are, a translation is hardly an explanation of another culture. I translate from Catalan to English not so that the latter stands in for the former but to encourage the English-language reader that much closer to Catalan culture. The rest is up to the will of the reader. May she or he strive to be a citizen of the world. This is precisely why translation is a form of farewell: it demands a letting go.
Tyrants have tried, legislators have tried – but nothing can glean a language from the face of the earth like translation. And thus although translation is essential to knowing who we are, how we live and what we have achieved, it should never become under any circumstances what will suffice.
dimarts, 1 de febrer del 2011
Story-telling in English at Tortosa library

dimecres, 26 de gener del 2011
Conta-contes en anglès a la biblioteca

Com que nosaltres ens ho passem d’allò més bé cada cop que anem a algun d’aquests actes, ens fa molta il·lusió col·laborar amb la sessió de contes en anglès d’aquest mes de gener. La Sílvia explicarà un parell de contes tradicionals en anglès el dijous dia 27 a les 18.00. Hi esteu tots invitats, especialment els més petits de la casa!